Help Support The Program

The Keene State Lacrosse Alumni funds directly and indirectly benefit the team that we have all poured our blood, sweat, and tears into with various needs. This may consist of but is not limited to scholarships, team travels, equipment, facility upgrades, etc.

We are a registered 501(c)(3) organization!

EIN #: 99-3055130

  • Securities Donations

    A gift of securities is a generous way to support the Men's Lacrosse Alumni Association that can offer significant tax advantages for the donor. Gifts of appreciated securities generally allow for a charitable contribution by the donor for the current market value of the securities being donated. The donor benefits by not having to sell the securities, thereby avoiding the realization of a capital gain. Please consult with your tax or financial advisor to determine whether a gift of securities is particularly suited to your situation.

    Should you wish to make a gift of stock to the Men's Lacrosse Alumni Association, please reach out to us using the button below and we will provide you with the donation form. 

    Securities Donation Form Request 
  • Check Donations

    If you would like to donate to the Keene State Lacrosse Alumni Association by check, please download our donation form below, and return it to:

    Keene State Lacrosse Alumni Association inc.

    1081 Main St, Norwell, MA 02061

    Check Donation form